
Masonry, Brick Pointing and Weatherproofing

Masonry, Brick Pointing and Weatherproofing


New masonry, alterations, or restorations, Bonardi Construction Inc., is willing to provide you with the finest experience. Masonry is a reliable and durable form of construction which has many options and materials available to be used. Whether it be stoops, steps, walkways, driveways, patios, or retaining walls Bonardi would be happy to provide you with a free estimate.
Looking to make your home more beautiful? Allow us to provide you with some ideas for any of the following services:

Brick Pointing:

Where there is visible water damage to the interior of a brick structure, it is common that over time decaying or weathering has caused voids in brick joints. These openings will often provide entrance for water, and potentially causing damage. Brick pointing can offer a nice option in restoring cracks, missing mortar and open joints. The joints will be ground, and refilled with waterproofing cement. Damaged or missing bricks will be replaced. If requested, we can also provide pressure washing, or painting to renew the look of your old brick.


Water saturation can most often occur during thaw periods in winter. The ground will expand causing pressure to foundation walls, causing stress or cracks. Cracks in the foundations can lead to water seepage, and need to be addressed, to prevent further damage or possible structural issues. At any time we can offer solutions with waterproofing, Sump Pumps, or French drains to alleviate water problems in sub levels. Call today for your free estimate!